Excerpts from Jeff Nesbit’s sophomore album, Wishaway.
A note about Wishaway, from producer and collaborator, Kevin Embleton:
In his sophomore LP, Wishaway, Jeff Nesbit delves deeper into songwriting, production, and collaboration than ever before. As with his debut, Nesbit new songs draw from both life experiences and perspective to ask the hard questions and speak truth to hurting hearts.
Wishaway opens with a heavy hitter, America, where Jeff observes the division and chaos all around us. In a world where it seems we have forgotten that a kind word turns away anger, Nesbit rightly wonders “if the best we had is in our past?” As quickly as he points out the relational carnage of our present time, Nesbit admonishes the listener to leave their anger in the dust in his song, Days. “This is the only life we’ve got,” he says, “and our time is far too precious.”
On it goes like this throughout the album. Nesbit openly points out the pain we are all trying to avoid. He observes an audience, overworked and over-stimulated, feigning confidence to hide the fear, anger, and weariness that drive them. Gently he points to an easier yoke, and urges listeners to chase after that which brings life, and not death (see the song, There).
As with Time Goes, Jeff Nesbit partners with songwriter and producer, Kevin Embleton (@SlowHeart) to create music beds that capture his vision. The collaborative nature of this project even included scratching a fully recorded track and re-writing it to suit the vision of the album better. The track in question, Afraid, ended up being the album closer, and sums up much of what Jeff has been trying to convey throughout Wishaway. We are all afraid of something, and we often misplace our hope. We often call out for help, yet it feels like no one is there. In the end, however, we look back to realize we were carried through. If only we could just yield control, maybe we would see it sooner.
Excerpts from Jeff Nesbit’s debut album
"In his debut LP, Time Goes, Jeff Nesbit meanders through some of his most cherished and painful memories. In contrast to the fast food, content-generating machine of a world we live in, Jeff tells stories that can only come from perspective, and perspective can only come with time. Yet on his journey, Jeff realizes the volatility of it all; time goes. All at once the rearview reveals more road behind us than we have left to travel. This realization creates an urgency in some which causes them to grab a megaphone and warn others to wake up and pay attention, often loudly and without grace. This approach is noble and superior to passivity, but rarely yields lasting impact. In Time Goes, Jeff chooses a different route in the form of a gentle, yearning, and fatherly baritone. In collaboration with Ohio-based producer and multi-instrumentalist, Kevin Embleton, Jeff Nesbit reveals himself to be a seasoned songwriter. His arresting melodies float effortlessly above finger picked acoustic guitars and sparse full-band arrangements throughout the 16 songs of his debut LP.
Jeff’s warm and inviting voice might fool you into just enjoying his songs until you realize what he is saying demands attention, even action. Throughout the album, Jeff reminds the listener to look for the bigger picture, but to see it you must first choose to be present.You might catch a glimpse in "The Tree", a story about a day spent in the park with his imaginative grandson. In contrast, "Silence" reveals the plea of a creature destined for extinction, a result of our poor stewardship of planet earth. In these two distinct and contrasting stories, it's the kindness in Jeff's voice that quickly earns him the right to call his listeners to action. In Time Goes, Jeff shows it is possible to communicate big and important truths with a gentleness that is so lacking in the world around us.
But don’t confuse this kindness for weakness.
Jeff is lovingly referred to by his daughter as a relentless, positive storm. Jeff must have discovered long ago that it takes more than believing in something to change reality. The only antidote for a world headed towards cataclysmic collapse that doesn't lead to apathy is a hopeful vision for the future. But a vision without persistence is just a pie in the sky. Persistence puts teeth to a desired outcome. Many stall out in an effort to become persistent, often because of fear, anger, hurt, and failure. Unless repeatedly directed towards something bigger and better, these experiences and feelings can become cyclical and self defeating. It takes perspective to see otherwise, and it often takes the voice of someone who’s seen the “worse before it gets better” to get up and keep going. The key is that you hear it from someone like Jeff, a relentless positive storm who actually believes it will get better, despite life's heart-breaking challenges. Tune in to Time Goes; It’s perspective the doctor ordered."